A Blueprint for a Co-Produced Personal Health Record (CoPHR)
We are publishing “A Blueprint for a Co-Produced Personal Health Record (CoPHR)” as a Request for Comment to make the case for a co-produced Personal Health Record.
The document outlines a radically new approach to electronic health records. It proposes a personal health record, co-produced by the patient and those providing care to them, that guarantees the rights and enforces the responsibilities of all parties. It provides a medico-legally robust record that can be relied upon as an authoritative record and represents the first step away from organisation-centric records to a patient-centric record.
This approach creates an open ecosystem in which the patient chooses where they store their record and who has access to it. It guarantees record portability and allows multiple parties to provide a CoPHR and applications that can access it. It is based on open standards and open platform principles, such that there is no vendor or data lock-in.
A markdown version of the publication can be found here
You can provide feedback on this document here.