Open Platforms
We are pleased to announce that the chair of the Open Platforms Committee has rotated to Dr Paul Miller as Clinical Co-Chair and John Meredith as Technical Co-Chair, we would like to thank both Dr Shane McKee and Dr Alistair Walling for their time and hard work in those roles and who remain active members of the Committee.
The Open Platform Committee is a group of clinicians and experienced professionals from appropriate specialities and backgrounds.
The Committee includes representatives from England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.
The purpose of the Open Platform Committee is to drive and influence the development and quality improvement of open and shared clinical content and curate the architecture of open platforms for eHealth projects via a collaborative community. The Committee will encourage and facilitate their use in real world implementations.
They will provide the technical tools, plus professional support and assurance to those responsible for and involved in projects where clinical content is a factor. The Committee will promote open systems and standards for digital health and social care. They will support the aim to make the data, information and knowledge within IT systems open, shareable and computable. This will facilitate the creation of innovative digital services to transform the delivery of health and social care.
The Committee will ensure exemplar open platform is maintained, based on the “Defining an Open Platform” publication for use in development, test and demonstration of digital health solutions; it will provide professional support and assurance to those involved in digital health and care projects.
The Committee is jointly chaired by a qualified and practising health professional and a non-clinical health informatics professional. The Committee consists of members with the appropriate skills and experience to enable them to contribute to the development of the Open Platform agenda and influence how it progresses on behalf of the health and care system.
The committee has curated a number of openEHR templates for us which can be found here.
A copy of the committee terms of reference can be found here.
Our Committee Members

John is the Head of Application Design at the NHS Wales Informatics Service and has over 12 years’ experience working within clinical disciplines as an informatics lead. He is also a Doctoral student researching health interoperability, data standards and clinical decision support with University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Paul has worked across Scotland a GP and is currently a partner in a practice in Paisley. He is the Clinical Lead for "Scottish Clinical Information Management in Practice" - SCIMP, which is a GP focused organisation providing health informatics advice and leadership to NHS Scotland. He is a member of the RCGP Health Informatics Group and a 2018 Founding Fellow of the Faculty of Clinical Informatics.

Ian is a former Scottish GP, now full-time clinical informatician, with a particular interest in 'open platform' approaches to health IT systems. He is a director in two heathlT companies (Inidus and freshEHR), co-chair of the openEHR Foundation, an INTEROPen Board member and an NHS Digital Innovation Associate. He also holds an Honorary Senior Research Associate post at UCL.

Shane is a Consultant in Genetic Medicine at Belfast City Hospital an is also Chief Clinical Information Officer for Belfast Health & Social Care Trust. He is currently involved in the development of technology-enabled change in the Trust, and the wider regional EHR work, known as the Encompass Project. He also enjoys cycling and wants to see Trusts and large organisations reduce their reliance on car transport.

Tony qualified in medicine in Dublin, trained in emergency medicine & informatics between Ireland, UK & the US. He spent over 20 years in frontline clinical practice, inc 10 years as Consultant in Emergency Medicine in the NHS. Having been involved in Informatics at local/regional/national/international levels over the last 15 years, he now leads the non profit Ripple Foundation who are working towards an open platform to positively disrupt healthcare.